another cheap hell...

you can call me judas, im bisexual and theres clearly something wrong with me, thats the only personal information youre getting out of me. this blog is half shitposts and half talking about music i like. a lot. like a lot a lot. why do you guys still follow me just to complain that i talk about music. I also make my own music that's linked on my main page.favorite genres are first wave sludge metal, grindcore, grunge (mostly the 80’s stuff), hardcore/crust punk, industrial, and noisecore.I listen to way too many bands to list them all but the bands im listening to the most right now are eyehategod, mudhoney, melvins, doom, go-zen, sore throat, zyanose, buzzov•en, brother dege, dorthia cottrell, and lana del rey.i hate any kind of emo shit, cybergrind, folk punk, and melodic metal because eyehategod has rotted my brain so if it doesnt sound like garbage dragged across a mile of broken glass i dont like it.feel free to shoot me an ask about music or anything else on your mind. mutuals can feel free to dm me if you want.other stuff im into: horror movies, transgressive art, horror novels, skateboarding, vulture culture, and sewing/basically anything i can diy, i will, im also big on collecting physical media, i collect vinyl, cassettes, cd's and vhs tapes :)open, honest and blunt discussions about addiction and mental illness also happen here so fair warning. we dont do toxic positivity here.I make a lot of posts about being a turtle islander and our issues as well as just leftist politics in general. spare me the asks about how much i look like my white dad, i am very aware of that and have made endless posts acknowledging the privilege that gives should go without saying, but i dont tolerate cop or imprisonment bootlicking and yes that includes the psychiatric institution, please fuck all the way off.i also talk a lot about my experiences growing up in the south. i know i live in canada now so please also spare me the asks complaining about when i refer to myself as a southerner. it costs zero dollars to just think for 5 seconds before you send me an ask.

Here's all my playlists if you're looking for recs or into the same kinda music as me